Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Bissell House and lovely things

I might be the kind who has a bumper sticker which says..."I brake for yard sales," so there's no telling where that might lead.

There is a Bed and Breakfast - The Bissell House in Pasadena, which was parading a sign - Estate Sale...were they selling out? I wasn't sure.

Spent a few minutes browsing and realized that these were two different operations..and the vendors just haul their goods into a nice neighborhood, and use the estate as the front.

So I was way more interested in seeing the
B&B...run by a family who have owned it for 4 years.

Built in 1887 for the Bissell family - of the vacuum fame, it is a grand house with lots of windows,

sleeping porches and lounging areas and even a several porches to cool down after heatfilled days.

Obviously there are others who brake for estate sales too....

Glorious peonies, mint and fruit.....

Other meanderings include a burst of color in my hood...

Purple droppings populate the place....oh, the clean up here!

Kangaroo paws coupled with silhoettes kind of caught my eye


Connie Chadwell said...

Hi Nina - this is gorgeous! And an interesting story, too. Did you buy anything at the sale?

n warner said...

Thanks Connie - Just looking with all the other looky loos...Beautiful spot :-)