It's a annual event...LA turns out for books at UCLA.
While turnout for the vendors has dwindled, with an obvious nod to recessionary times, the independents came out in a strong way.
I got to see two speakers. Bill McKibbon, an environmentalist
who is pushing for 350.org (350 parts per million of Co2) in the atmosphere.
Sebastian Junger spoke about Afghanistan and told of life in the military there. He wrote the Perfect Storm, he said because he need to recupurate from a gash in his leg.

And for the ladies, (mostly) Alice Waters of Chez Panisse gave a demo on making a basic vinagrette...add more vinegar to about one half proportions.

Some titles are rather fun...
Nascar appeal makes
Math fun!
The day is full of things to discover and be part of a community, which LA has in fits and starts.
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