The little people have all the summer fun...

These two Briana and Adina, were having a fine time...
Double active
next in line for Doublemint girls.....
Things got a bit messed up - they got into the water a bit too deep - and made their Granny mad.
But they were born on xmas day....and am sure all was forgotten.

A stop at the Eco Station...

A rescue pound for the animals with negligent owners....

showed some post stress syndrome and plucked out their own feathers....
A sensitive lot.

Contemplative iguanas...never blinking, holding court.
A cat hides under the blanket
...seems perfectly normal to me...
Someone wants that fur.
Wondering fingers lure the sea creature...

Watermelon on everyone's lips...
Getting to see them from the child's viewpoint...is refreshing....and another delight of summer.
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