Monday, December 28, 2015

Tress of Light

My friend makes trees...called Trees of Light ( and they are magnificent. They come in various combinations....larger ones, and some pretty mini ones. Far left is one made from a metal
can for a ice tea...terrific colors.

So let there be light in your world...we need to continue the good cheer!

Best to you in the New Year!

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Christmas lights

In the upper reaches of Altadena, Christmas lights string up Santa Rosa Avenue.

Tradition had it that you were to 'motor' up the street without your headlights on...and it creates quite an amazing view...

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Merry and Happy time of year!

 Making things merry this one!

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

SIgns along the way

NYC is a colorful town...people everywhere and lots of signs, looking for attention. Here are a few of the signs of life that I saw!

A man coming out of the MTA building near Madison Square Garden...POOP is an acrynom for
wait for it....
Yes, it is a dirty business and profitable too...I liked his brand of humor. Bold and smart!

I liked seeing Lady Liberty. However, it could have been a man standing tall in Times Square for justice and all things American.

This has a Christina Ricci quality to it...but she's been punked somehow, elfin ears perhaps?

More symbolism...a 3 D printer spits out The Big Apple....

A walking art piece...and the symbolic red backs to the famous shoes Sex in the City made (more) famous.

Well, it is fascinating what there is to look at...really fascinating.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

NYC High Line

Always such a rush to be in NYC...but then there are the spots for seeing.

Commuting via subway is a snap...just get into the flow and your are places in a flash.

Made it to the NYC Highline - elevated railroad tracks now turned into a a promenade
with gardens and seating.

Delightful to hang in the winter sun...and watch the world go by.